The public primary school in Grolloo
Word from the writer
I have not been able to discover how long there has been a school in Grolloo. At least before 1828. It is not easy to actually find anything. I try to show the school and everything related to it here.
It goes without saying that any further information is very welcome. If you have more information, please do not hesitate to contact us using the contact form. Thank you in advance!
Bertus Reinders
The first school stood near Voorstreek 5. Later the first dairy factory was built here. According to the message below, it was decided in October 1848 to build a new school. This school was built on Hoofdstraat, opposite the church.
On the attached map you can find the word "School" in the center of the village. This must have been a small school with probably only one classroom. However, we were unable to find more than this reference.
location of the school on the Voorstreek
In 1917 the school burned to the ground. The reconstruction was awarded to the lowest bidder, the Thurrow company from Assen with an amount of NLG 20,750.
School in 1918 new construction after the fire in 1917
That year, two teachers also complained to the municipal council about the far too low salary. They couldn't make ends meet at all. However, according to some council members, this was not so bad. The gentlemen had to pay a lot of rent, but that was also because they had very high demands. It even happened that a teacher refused to sleep in the same box bed with the farmer. Ultimately, the teachers did get their salary increase.
In 1928 it was decided to expand with a fourth room. At the same time it was determined that the church could use one of the rooms for catechism. However, they had to meet certain conditions for this. These were:
- that the room must be cleaned immediately after use at the expense of the Church Council;
- that all damage to the building and furniture must be repaired at the expense of the Church Council;
- that the school building may not be contaminated by smoke and/or spitting;
- that the room is designated by the head of the school and that consultation must take place with the head of the school regarding the days and hours on which it can be used.
The school, shortly before its closure. The photo is from 1986.
The school has always played a central role in the society of the village and its hamlets. The children came (and still come) to the school from Vredenheim, Papenvoort and Schoonloo.
The school was closed in 1986 because it was moved to the new school at De Pol. A modern school building has been built behind the village hall "Het Markehuis". The children already used the village hall and the sports fields for gymnastics lessons. All facilities are now together.
The old school is being demolished. Not everyone was happy with this, as they would have preferred if the building had been preserved and converted into residential apartments.
The demolition has begun
The new and current school is built at De Pol.
School "De Drift" at De Pol in 2023